MLS is a Single Entity
The MLS is a single entity governed by its Limited Liability Agreement, where the league owns all clubs and player contracts. In addition, the league investors can handle the league’s business affairs while simultaneously agreeing to operate and hold MLS clubs independently.
MLS has Fixed Membership
Major League Soccer has a fixed membership and does not use the promotion and relegation system. Making it one of the world’s first-division soccer leagues in which the bottom-place team doesn’t drop to a lower division.
MLS 2023 Season
The MLS currently has 28 teams and is expected to kick start the 2023 season with 29 teams, 26 in the U.S. and 3 in Canada. The league separated teams by geographical location and split them into Eastern and Western Conferences.
Major League Soccer regular season usually runs between late February to mid-October. Following the conclusion of the regular season, the league hosts a postseason MLS Cup Playoffs in late October and November and ends with a championship game.